Year 5,6 Guided reading and English planning
Based on the jungle book
Researching Rudyard Kipling
Making inferences of characters from the text
Making predictions based on what I have read
Understanding playscripts
Creating dialogue for characters in a narrative
2 week literacy setting desciption writing unit
Modelled slides
Edit lesson
Publish lesson
Hook lesson
Success criteria
Lesson 1
Understand how an author can effectively describe a setting
Lesson 2
-Use show not tell to effectively describe a setting
Lesson 3
-Use figurative language within parenthesis and fronted adverbials
Lesson 4
-Plan my setting description
Lesson 5
Write my first two paragraphs for the setting description
Lesson 6
Write my third and fourth paragraph for the setting description
Lesson 7
-Edit my writing
Lesson 8
-Publish my writing
Week 1 Wolves in the walls pack
Teaching slides
Can be differentiated for B squared and lower KS2.
Lesson 1: Make inferences from the Wolves in the walls
Prediction based on the book cover and images from the text
Role play activities with image prompts
Lesson 2: Analyse a descriptive piece of writing
WAGOLL included
With the following success critieria:
Success criteria for Descriptive writing
Powerful adjectives
Expanded noun phrases
Fronted adverbials
Different conjunctions
Present tense
Statements, exclamations and questions
Lesson 3: Write sentences that include statements, explanations and questions
Teaching input for each one plus whiteboard work
Followed by a quiz
Followed by task
Lesson 4: Research Wolves for creative writing
Research based lesson to aid their writing
Lesson 5: Writing sentences about the 5 senses that include nouns
Worksheet that aids this lesson for descriptive writing
How to train your dragon isntructions writing unit
Can be adapted for year 3- year 5
Time conjunctions
Compound sentences
Complex sentences
Sub headings
Imperative verbs
Week 2 teaching slides:
Lesson 1: Using expanded noun phrases
Lesson 2: Using expanded noun phrases in my writing
Lesson 3: Edit and uplevel
Lesson 4: Using subordinating conjunctions in my writing
Lesson 5: Writing sentences that use speech (includes quizes)
Based on “The lighthouse keeper” animation:
Newspaper report plan:
5 day lesson plan aimed at writing a newspaper report based on the incident.
Aimed at upper Key stage 2 but could be differentiated for year 3 and 4.
Writing unit based on making a set of instructions on training a dragon:
Lesson 4: Understanding complex sentences
Lesson 5: Using imperative verbs with adverbs
Lesson 6: Using time adverbials
Lesson 7: Writing an introduction using compound and complex sentences
Lesson 8: Writing the first part of the instructions